
maren unlend isis

maren unlend isis video

maren unlend isis Norwegian police say a video titled Marin released to an ISIS satellite channel purporting to show the killing of two Scandinavian university students in a remote area of Morocco’s Atlas Mountains is likely true. Norway’s National Criminal Investigation Service is investigating the photos, which were circulated on social media. “There is no concrete evidence to suggest that the video is not real,” he said.

Morocco’s attorney general also confirmed the authenticity of a video showing the suspects pledging allegiance to ISIS and threatening to carry out attacks, CBS News correspondent Holly Williams reported. Commenting on the video, NCIS said: “No mention of Norway or Denmark was made in the video, nor was there anything specific about what action should be taken.”

Four men have been arrested in Morocco, and the authorities consider the killing of the two students an act of terrorism. The women, from Norway and Denmark, were hiking, Williams said, and the bodies of two French hikers were discovered with stab wounds to the neck on Monday.

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The two women have been identified as 24-year-old Louisa Vestrager Jespersen from Denmark and 28-year-old Maren Ueland from Norway. They lived in southern Norway, where they attended university.

NCIS said it was trying to map the women’s activities before they left for the village of Imli, a frequent starting point for hikes to Mount Toubkal, North Africa’s highest peak. The women were found about 6.2 miles from the center of the village.

Williams stated that Morocco has seen very few terrorist attacks in recent years, but that many of its citizens have joined terrorist groups elsewhere, including ISIS. It is now feared that these killings will harm Morocco’s vital tourism industry, which accounts for 10 percent of the country’s revenue.

Morocco has largely escaped the jihadist violence seen in other countries in North Africa since the deadly Casablanca bombings that killed at least 30 people in 2003. The country has enacted tough anti-terrorism legislation to deal with the threat of its citizens returning home after fight the Islamists. state in Syria and Iraq, after an estimated 1,600 Moroccans joined jihadist groups there in 2015.

Jihadists of Moroccan origin have also been implicated in terrorist attacks in recent years in Belgium and France. As for the jihadist presence in Morocco, the Islamic State and its opponent, al-Qaeda, have not succeeded in establishing their presence in the country. But this does not exclude the possibility that they may be attacked by supporters or activists who believe they have a duty to act.

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